Use the jade roller after applying skin care product on your face, wait about a minute, and then start jade rolling.
1. Starting at the center of your brows, roll up towards your hairline.
2. Continue this motion all over your face, rolling out the right side first and then the left.
3. Underneath your eyes, use the smaller side of the roller to roll up towards the outer edge of the eye, all the way to the hairline.
4. on the upper lid of the eye, roll from the inner corner of your eyes across your lid to the outer corner.
5. When you get to your neck and chest, you can start to roll down and inwards towards your heart.
The direction of rolling is important, because you are rolling towards the lymphatic drainage points on your face and body. This pushes any retained fluids to those points so they can be flushed out. Your body would do this naturally during the day, even one minute of rolling helps speed up that process quickly.